OpenIPSL’s documentation!


Welcome to OpenIPSL - The Open-Instance Power System Library.

This documentation is the main source of information for users and developers working with (or contributing to) the OpenIPSL project.

OpenIPSL in short

The OpenIPSL or Open-Instance Power System Library is a Modelica library, fork of of the iTesla Power System Library developed and maintained by the SmarTS Lab research group, collaborators and friends (contributions are welcome!).

The library contains a set of power system component models and test power system networks adopting the “phasor” modeling approach. Time domain simulations can be carried out using a Modelica-compliant tool, which may also allow to do other computations on the model, for example, linearization for eigen-analysis and other purposes.

All models in a Modelica library require initial guess values that should come from a solution of the steady state of the overall model. From these values, a Modelica tool solves the initialization problem for all algebraic and differential - state variables. There are many ways to provide initial guess values, but following the standard “workflow” in power system analysis practice, all models in OpenIPSL are programmed in such way that by introducing a power flow solution (from another tool), the initial guess is computed as a parameter within each model and are provided into the initial equations that are used to solve the overall initialization problem. See this paper for a more detailed explanation.

Almost all of our models have been developed to provide the same response than a “reference” power system simulation tool, e.g. PSAT and PSS/E. You can use these tools to create a power flow solution for your network. If you do not have access to these tools or do not want to use them, there are several power flow solvers available on Github. Future work in the OpenIPSL effort will include to generate Modelica “records” from open source power flow solvers such as GridCal or PyPSA.

Indices and tables